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Sports, Physical Education and Healthy Living

NUN students are tested for physical preparedness at the beginning and end of every academic year. They are tested on flexibility, speed, balance and coordination skills. These tests aim to improve their motor skills for the sports branches they are intended to partake. These tests repeated every year to track development and go on to customization. NUN aims to see students fit and healthy, physically and mentally ready to use their existent potential in sports and daily life.

Sports play an important role in improving core values such as equality, fair play, tolerance, respect, humility, temper control, courage and ambition. It is an excellent opportunity for physical education and psychological counseling departments to work together on improving the student’s healthy communication skills and coordinate the time between academic and physical.

The philosophy and purpose leading to NUN’s sports curriculum ensures a NUN student:

  • Experiences different sport branches.
  • Adopts exercise as a way of lifestyle
  • Shortens his reactivity time against visual, auditory and kinesthetic stimulus.
  • Improves gross motor skills involved in movement and coordination of the arms, legs, and other large body parts and ability to think and act fast.
  • Finds opportunity to compete in branches he/she is talented at.
  • Gets over social fears by taking place in various sports activities throughout life at NUN
  • Gains nutritional consciousness. Principles of healthy living is part of the class content.
  • Socializes in sports facilities that are kept open for students use. Swimming pool, table tennis, open basketball and volleyball and tennis courts are at the service of students all the time.



The main objective of music lessons in NUN schools is to have students experience music according to their personal talents, interests and improve a cultural vision. Lessons are planned in a fashion that allows students to learn about traditional Turkish music as well as the world music. It is desired for them to recognize the difference between local and global and benefit from both at the level of production.

Students learn about musical trends and listen to pieces belonging to a certain period and express their opinions on it through paintings, performances or writing. Classes are conducted interactively by “hands-on” approach, thus the knowledge stays with the student as an experience. Learning becomes three dimensional as connections are made with content learnt in other lessons. We believe students being educated on culture and arts, having artistic consciousness with a cultural background will give them aesthetic and  intellectual vision in life. We believe there is an artist in every student and giving them the opportunity to discover talents and interests will reveal future artists and musicians. The philosophy and purpose leading NUN’s arts and music curriculum ensures a NUN student:

  • Knows the chronological order in art history.
  • Could consciously and critically analyze a certain piece of art and determine the techniques used.
  • Learns about the philosophy and history behind the traditional arts like calligraphy, gilding (tazheeb), and marbling (ebru) and miniature.
  • Examines the relationship between art and technology, learns about the stop motion technique and finds opportunity to make short animation movies.
  • Learns about the cultural heritage of the city through field trips with teachers.
  • Ceramic arts are very important for imagination and three dimensional thinking ability. Students turn their two dimensional drawings into three dimensional ceramics.
  • Thinks about the different elements of marketing and psychological effects on consumers. The aesthetic awareness helps them when they are designing their own brands and designs.
  • Improves IB learner profiles’ “risk taking” and “producing” qualities through social activities, competitions and workshops.
  • Visual arts workshop is not only a classroom but a common space where students socialize and spend quality time. Students exhibit their artwork in special corners in school.


The design classes at NUN schools help students become lifelong learners, excellent users of  technology and apply their knowledge for the benefit of society.  Design classes push students to bring innovative and original solutions, thinking analytically for today’s and future’s problems. They learn to work in groups and improve self esteem through accomplished projects.


Counseling department plans digital citizenship classes for the sake of being a “good digital human being”.  These classes deal with topics such as “Digital 101,” “Our Digital footprints,” “standing against cyber bullying," “Digital Traps,” “Selecting the trustworthy sites” and “Super Digital Citizen”. These classes are always enriched with student centered, fun and collective activities. We want students to

  • Know their rights and responsibilities.
  • Respect the rights of other people.
  • Have digital etiquette and literacy.
  • Build a balanced social and digital life and a conscious character.

Students design their own projects in the frame of digital citizenship class and present their work for parents and friends.

As a policy NUN Schools does not refrain from the use of technology, with the digital citizenship training student have received they use technology in their favor for creativity. NUN students host their own radio show too. They invite academics and hold talk shows. Later they look for ways to improve themselves, always critical of themselves to achieve better results. They improve their ability to “think reactively”.