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Beyond Education Talks - Nativeness

Under the title of Beyond Education, we organized a discussion series on important issues related to our lives; among the previous program topics were "Metaverse," "Show-off Culture," "Where is Your Hometown?" and "Children: Entrusted or Project?" found a platform to discuss the issues of our time. The first Beyond Education Talk of the new academic term was "Nativeness."

In the opening remarks, Alev Alatlı, who passed away recently, was remembered and commemorated with a quote from her speech during the graduation ceremony of our school in the year 2021, highlighting the importance of preserving the spirit and determination of native and indigenous roots.

Under the moderation of Lacivert magazine Editor-in-Chief Mustafa Akar, and the participants, academician writer Dr. Ayşe Aksu and Assoc. Prof. Dursun Ali Tökel discussed the importance of teaching native values, including them in the education system and transferring indigenousness to future generations.

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